Search for Canadian Statistics

Agriculture / Business SvrComputer (IT)Communications / Construction / Culture / Economic DataEducation / EnvironmentHealth  /  Hospitality / InternetJusticeMarket Research / ManufacturingNon-profit / Personal Srv / Public / Primary / Trade / Transportation





  • This web site does NOT contain any statistical data.


  • It is a descriptive directory (like Yahoo!) that focuses specifically on Canadian statistics.


  • All sites listed provide data free of charge.


  • To visit a site listed, simply click on the web site name located at top of its SITE SUMMARY page.



Site Description

The GDSourcing web site is a reference website. It is designed to identify what national Canadian Statistics are available on the Internet free of charge.


Each site has its own SITE SUMMARY which describes what free statistics are available on-line to view or download.

We have begun adding Direct Data Links to some of the site summaries of the larger web sites catalogued. When you click on these links, you will be taken directly to the statistics described.

As yet we have not linked all statistics summarized. For those identified on a site summary but not linked, simply click on the site name at the top of the site summary page and find the statistic on the source site using the source site's search engine or index.

We make every effort to keep our site up to date but the nature of the Internet is such that it is constantly changing. We recommend you browse and search any sites that have statistics close to what you are looking for in case a recent addition has not yet been captured by GDSourcing.

New web sites are catalogued regularly. Their inclusion in our site summaries is generally dictated by recent research requests we have completed for our clients. If you know of a significant source of free Canadian statistics on the Internet that we have missed, please contact us.

Although the primary purpose of the GDSourcing web site is to identify on-line sources of free Canadian statistics, there are a number of other useful features.

The LIBRARY OF LINKS FOR ENTREPRENEURS is a listing of on-line articles and sources of particular interest to business researchers. Sources are categorized into three groupings:

  • I am thinking of going into business
  • I am currently starting up my own business
  • I am already in business

Sector specific references are identified in our SMALL BUSINESS RESEARCH CONSULTANT web site. It is designed to help visitors link directly to key on-line market and industry sources for their particular sector.

You can view archives and subscribe to our FREE BUSINESS RESEARCHER NEWSLETTER by clicking here.

The newsletter keeps you up-to-date when new sites are indexed, describes tips & techniques for successful do-it-yourself research and each issue includes start-up "Stats Facts" every entrepreneur should know.

GDSourcing offers a number of RESEARCH SERVICES designed to help Canadian entrepreneurs access secondary sources both on-line and off.  Our services are designed to meet any size budget.

One of the most popular research services we provide is CANADA'S SMALL BUSINESS DATA CENTRE  The purpose of this data centre is to provide Canadian entrepreneurs with an economical way to access detailed Canadian market and industry data.  It also references some of the best tools needed to start a new business in Canada. 

To demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy, we have created a PRIVACY STATEMENT that discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices.

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When visiting the GDSourcing web site, please use the navigation bar at the top of each page. All major features of the GDSourcing web site are listed there.

If you have any suggestions, comments or complaints on the navigation of our site please contact us.

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Browsing for Data Sources

The GDSourcing web site is primarily organized by Industry Sector.

Each individual industry sector and each major grouping has its own "home page". This "home page" has an alphabetical list of every site included in the grouping. You can use the list to jump to a particular web site's summary. (Hint: if you prefer to scroll, use the space bar on your keyboard.)

If, on reading a web site's summary, you decide you want to visit it, simply click on the web site's name and you will be linked directly to the source site.

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Using the Subject Index

To help researchers find the data they are looking for, the GDSourcing web site also has an alphabetical subject index.

By clicking on a letter at the top of the subject index page, you will jump down to subject headings beginning with that letter. Scroll through the list to find the subject heading you are looking for. (Hint: use the space bar on your keyboard to scroll the index.)

Under each subject heading is a list of indexed sites that have statistics related to the subject in question. By clicking on the web site names, you will be taken to the GDSourcing site summary. Each site summary identifies the statistics available at each source site.

If, on reading a web site's summary, you decide you want to visit it, simply click on the web site's name and you will be linked directly to the source site.

If, on the other hand, you find the statistics available do not cover the particular aspect of the subject you were interested in, press the "back" button on your browser to return to your place on the subject index page.

To choose another letter from the subject index either scroll to the top of the index page or click on "Back to Index" at the end of each alphabetic section of the index.

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Using the GDSourcing Search Engine

You can also use our Search Engine (located at the top of each page) to help you find the data you need. The search engine will search every GDSourcing site summary as well as our FAQ.

If, on reading a web site's summary, you decide you want to visit it, simply click on the web site's name and you will be linked directly to the source site.

If, on the other hand, you find the statistics described do not cover the particular aspect of the subject you were interested in, press the "back" button on your browser to return to the search engine's retrieved list of sites.

NB: Use the "Search Help" link located at the top of all search results pages for further assistance.


Query Desk

To assist researchers further, GDSourcing offers a FREE Query Desk Service. You can submit a research question related to Canadian statistics and in two to three working days one of our researchers will send you an e-mail directing you to the best on-line resources available for your particular research needs.

Please ensure that your e-mail address is correct.

The Query Desk also provides immediate answers to our most frequently requested statistics.

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Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our web site please contact us.

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