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The premier government
statistical web site, Statistics Canada, is covered by 21 sector
- Population
Population by year, provinces
Population projections for 2001, 2006, 2011, 2016, 2021 and
2026, July 1
Population, census metropolitan areas
Population by sex and age
Population by sex and age, Canada, the provinces and
Population and growth components 1851-1996
Components of population growth, Canada, the provinces and
Deaths, Canada, the provinces and territories
Population 5 years and over by mobility status, 1991 and 1996
Censuses, Canada, the provinces and territories
Migrants 5 years and over by components of migration, 1996
Census, census metropolitan areas
Rural and small town Canada - Analysis bulletins
- Population structure and
change in predominantly rural Regions
- Factors associated with
female employment rates in rural and small town Canada
- Geographical patterns of
socio-economic well-being of first nations communities
- Computer use and internet
use by members of rural households
- Factors associated with
local economic growth
- How far to the nearest
- Rural and urban household
expenditure patterns for 1996
- The composition of business
establishments in smaller and larger communities in Canada
- Employment patterns in the
non-metro workforce
- Rural and small town
population is growing in the 1990s
- Ethnic Origin & Visible
Population by Aboriginal group, 2001 Census, Canada, the
provinces and territories
Population by Aboriginal group, 2001 Census, census
metropolitan areas
Aboriginal population by age groups, 1996 Census, Canada, the
provinces and territories
Aboriginal population by age groups, 1996 Census, census
metropolitan areas
Persons registered under the Indian Act, living on and off
reserve, 1996 Census
Population by ethnic origin, 1996 Census, the provinces and
territories Population by ethnic origin, 1996 Census, census
metropolitan areas
Visible minority population by age, 1996 Census
Visible minority population, 1996 Census, Canada, the
provinces and territories
Visible minority population, 1996 Census, census metropolitan
Immigrant population, by place of birth and period of
immigration, 2001 Census, Canada
Immigrant population, by place of birth, 1996 Census, Canada,
the provinces and territories
Immigrant population, by place of birth, 1996 Census, census
metropolitan areas
- Language & Religion
Population by mother tongue, 1996 Census, Canada, the
provinces and territories
Population by mother tongue, 1996 Census, census metropolitan
Aboriginal population by mother tongue, 1996 Census, Canada,
the provinces and territories
Population by home language, 2001 Census, Canada, the
provinces and territories
Population by home language, 2001 Census, census metropolitan
Population by knowledge of official language, 1996 Census,
Canada, the provinces and territories
Population by knowledge of official language, 1996 Census,
census metropolitan areas
Population by religion, 1981 and 1991 Censuses, Canada
Population by religion, 1991 Census, Canada, the provinces and
- Families & Households
Marital status and sex
Marital status and sex provinces and territories
Divorce, provinces and territories
Marriages, provinces and territories
Families: Number and average size
Size, persons in families and persons not in families
(1971-1996 Censuses)
Size, persons in families and persons not in families,
provinces and territories (1996 Census)
Family structure, provinces and territories (1991 and 1996
Family structure, census metropolitan areas (1991 and 1996
Presence of children, provinces and territories (1996 Census)
Presence of children, census metropolitan areas (1996 Census)
Population, occupied private dwellings, private households,
collective dwellings, population in collective dwellings, and
average number of persons per private household, (1961-1996
Living arrangements, Canada, provinces and territories (1996
Living arrangements, census metropolitan areas (1996 Census)
Household Size, provinces and territories (1996 Census)
Household Size, census metropolitan areas (1996 Census)
Selected dwelling characteristics and household equipment
Assets & debts
- Expenditures
- No statistical features
currently identified.
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URL: https://www.gdsourcing.ca/works/DemographicsStatsCan.htm
UPDATED: 03/12/04
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