World Economic
[If you want to visit this web site Click
- Global
Competitiveness Report
Annual ranking of the most competitive markets in the world -
Gives Canada's International Ranking; executive summary of full
report can be downloaded in format
- 1998 Davos
Report - Managing Volitility
Brief reports on various international economic topics: e.g.
Volatility and the Domino Effect: What Caused the Asia Crisis
and Where Is It Headed?; The Lions Are Coming: Will Africa
Become the Next Economic Miracle?
- 1998 Davos
Report - Priorities for the 21st Century
Brief reports on various international economic topics: e.g. The
New Buzz in IT On-line Commerce Takes Business by Storm; Can
Green Be Gold? Global Warming Is Fuelling the Enviro-Business
Debate; It's Not Science Fiction Biotech Research Treads on
Controversial Ground.
- Various
Articles of the World Economy
e.g. Ten trends in global competitiveness in 1998, Africa
Competitiveness Report, etc.