Development Bank of Canada
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- Beyond Their Small
Businesses Part 1: A Profile of Canadian Entrepreneurs
Includes data on Average Age, Business Trips, Commitment,
Computer Technology, Degree of Satisfaction, Dream Cars,
Education, Family, Hobbies, Physical Activity, Reading, Sleep,
Work Schedule, Vacations
- Beyond Their Small
Businesses Part 2: A Profile of Their Companies
Includes Jobs, Sharing Responsibilities, Finding New Employees,
Employees' Contribution, Financial Performance, Exports,
Obstacles to Growth, Access to Financing, Professional Services
- Economic Impact of
Venture Capital: A Survey
Includes data on venture capital-backed companies and jobs,
sales, exports, R&D, taxes, and much more
- Women Entrepreneurs:
A Survey
Includes profiles of self-employed women: socio-demographic
characteristics, working conditions, socio-cultural values,
start-up conditions, issues, current trends in growth sectors
PROFIT$ is a quarterly publication produced by the Business
Development Bank of Canada, and designed to inform the small and
medium-sized business community about topics of current
interest, changing trends and new business opportunities
- Ratio Calculators
Interactive feature that allows you to input financial figures
and have them calculated into key financial ratios and
interpreted; covers Account Receivable Turnover, Asset
Utilization, Average Collection Period, Average Days Payable,
Coverage Ratio, Current Ratio, Days of Sales in Inventory,
Debt-to-Asset Ratio, Debt-to-Equity Ratio, Earnings Per Share,
Fixed Asset Utilization, Inventory to Net Working Capital,
Inventory Turnover, Net Profit Margin, Quick Ratio, Return on
Shareholders' Equity, Return on Total Assets, Sales per Employee
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